The Huntron Access 2 Prober is used to automate the testing of printed circuits assemblies (PCA) that would otherwise have to be tested by hand. Adding Flying Prober tester technology your test procedure will significantly decrease test times therefore increasing productivity. The Access 2 Prober is designed to accurately access test points on medium to large sized PCAs. The exceptional accuracy achieved by micro-stepping and linear encoding ensures reliable probing of the smallest surface mounted components. By using either the standard built-in test probe or a custom test probe, the Huntron Access 2 Flying Prober Tester adds flying probe technology to your new or existing equipment. The high-resolution color camera ensures correct probe placement and provides a clear view of the PCA under test.
Huntron® Access 2 Prober
SKU: TA001
Number of Test Heads : 1
Maximum Board Under Test Size : 22" x 23" (56cm x 58cm)
Maximum Probing Area : 18.2" x 22.4" (46.2cm x 56.9cm)
Maximum Board Component Height : 4" (10cm)
Dimensions : 3Please contact us then we will follow your request for your delivery.